Wednesday, February 25, 2009


All of us want to belong somewhere. It's a natural human desire and need. I think it's a healthy thing too... if we do it right.

Too often we're willing to sacrifice whatever it takes to belong to a certain group of people- the popular kids, the cool crowd, whoever it is. But in doing that, we lose our identity, the person God created you to be. What things have you given up to fit in? Playing that game has consequences.

But here's the good news- there's a place we can belong to, a place we can fit in without sacrificing who we are and who God made us to be. That place is the church, God's family. So I encourage you to really consider what lengths you are going to to try to fit in and consider turning to the place that will accept you just as you are.

Do you feel like you belong to God's family?