Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Truth and Culture

We live in a time known as the "postmodern" era. One of the trademarks of this time is the decline of absolute truth. It is becoming harder and harder to say that we know anything for certain or know that anything has always been and always will be true.

Jesus says that he is the way, the truth, and the life. I believe that Jesus was and is the only way to a full life and to eternal salvation. I believe that that is a truth that will never change.

So my question is this: how do we proclaim Christ in this age of diminishing truth? To what extent do we need to change culture? But at the same time, how do we proclaim Christ within our culture?

Monday, December 8, 2008

Advent Conspiracy

What do you think of that video?

I think it's pretty powerful to see just how much money we spend on Christmas presents... and how little money compared to that it would take to provide clean water for everyone. So what are you going to do? How are you going to worship Christ this Christmas? I mean, he is the reason for the season after all...

Here's my challenge: give up one present this year. Just one. And then ask your parents, friend, boyfriend, girlfriend, or whoever to donate that money to a charity of your choice. See how much happier that makes you and how much longer it lasts than the present you'll forget about by New Year's.