Monday, September 8, 2008

Food for thought... Or maybe water for thought

I recently watched a video about water. You know, the stuff we use to take showers, cook food, drink, fill up pools, wash our cars, and so on. Well clean water is something we often take for granted here. I know I certainly do. I've already had 3 or 4 cups of water today, and it's not even noon yet.

So what's the big deal about clean water? Well a significant portion of the world doesn't have access to it. It's something we so quickly take for granted yet is so essential to survival. Here's where we come in. There's an organization called blood water mission that works to provide clean water to people in Africa. You can check them out at We're going to be talking about it later in the youth group, but check out their website and find out how you can get involved.

Do you think this is something we should be getting involved in? What can we do to make a difference?