Tuesday, January 27, 2009


We're starting a new series next month. It's based on the idea that our generation (I include myself in this, and would say that it's even seeping into prior generations as well) is becoming more and more focused on the individual. We are moving away from life in community to life alone.

We're going to be addressing some of the lies that our culture tries to get us to believe. Here's a little preview:

I am an army of one.

I don't need anyone else.

It's all about me.

I don't need your rules.

I hope you join us on Wednesday nights for this series, I hope it speaks some truth to all of us.

What do you think, is there any danger in the progression from life in community to life alone? I've been playing this progression out in my head quite a bit lately, and I don't like where it ends up. Where do you see this going?

Monday, January 12, 2009

Jr. High Winter Camp

We just got back from jr high winter camp yesterday. It was so fun!

The speaker up there talked about labels- things that people label us as (nerd, jock, loner, loser, popular, stuff like that). We talked about the fact that God doesn't label us like that but sees each one of us as valuable enough and lovable enough to die for.

He challenged us to not label each other but instead to see them the way God does.

So here's what you can do- every morning when you wake up, pray to God that He would help you to see people the way that He sees them. Do you think you can do that? Try it and let me know what happens!